Hello and welcome, my name is Liz.

Thanks for taking the time to visit me today. I so appreciate, through my own lived experience, how making contact, can take courage, not having met me and, knowing what to expect. I so hope as you browse, you’ll feel inspired to get in touch.

Helping people to accomplish their personal best and achieve a sense of contentment in their lives is my passion.

It’s been quite a journey to where I am today,  I meet with some extraordinary people and, love witnessing real transformations, from a personal and workplace perspective.

I have been in the care sector for thirty years, here in the UK and overseas, encountering all the challenges and ‘curve balls’ life can bring. And yes, I have met with some, ever so well – and some, ever so, not so well! All of this past life  learning, nursing and teaching  experience has enabled me to discover and live life true to my values.

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In 2015, with like minded champions, I founded an emotional well-being social peer network, based in the South West.  Raising awareness of mental ill health, stigma and discrimination and promoting good mental health. Open conversations, reaching out, has certainly evolved during this last decade. However, stigma remains, especially in this post-pandemic era of uncertainty and rise in mental ill health … know you are not alone …  we can only write our story by first loving our – self …  our journey is like a theatre, if we are unhappy with our role we can change it!

My love for life and people stems very much from my childhood. I was a child carer for my mother, it was tough, however, my father was a source of great wisdom and inspiration; I am now so proud to have a son and daughter who have both inherited many of my father’s traits!

It has been my own fight for survival – having almost lost everything that was very, very dear to me in recent years – that has brought me to where I am today.

Only we have the power and courage to change our inner selves and allow our physical and emotional world to evolve …  we can only touch the rainbow once we have ridden the storm!

I am told that I have a natural ability to help enable genuine behavioural change, and I would very much like to share with you all I have learnt, allowing you to understand who you truly are and discover how you can live your best life!

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